
Cooking oil screw oil press machine

Cooking oil screw press machine working principle:

Cooking oil screw press work is due to the rotating screw axis in the bore in squeeze boost, make the press material continuously forward, at the same time, due to squeezer spiral lead to shorten or root diameter increase gradually, make the pressing chamber volume shrinking and squeeze is continuous squeezing action.
Features of cooking oil screw press machine:
cooking oil screw press machine
Cooking oil screw press machine is a use of the helical axis of rotation when pressed cages promote material embryo, while squeezed into the cake, while extracting oil continuous oil extraction equipment. Compared with the "hydraulic machine" features are: continuous production, stand-alone processing capacity; able to adapt to a variety of materials; dynamic extrusion press, friction and heat, squeeze a short time, high oil yield; cake thin friable; low intensity operations . The disadvantage is the relatively large energy consumption; easy consumption and more high-maintenance machine failure; greater impact, such as hot cakes.
Classification of cooking oil screw press machine:
cooking oil production line

Cooking oil screw press machine is usually in accordance with the pressing stage into a level, two level and multilevel press press press press press bore; rotary shaft into the number of single screw and twin - screw press; by end use can be divided into a press, pre press, cold press and special press; according to production capacity also can be called type medium sized and small. No matter what models, which have the same working principle, structure includes a feed device, pressing chamber, adjustable cake mechanism, driving system and frame etc.

If you want to get more informations about the cooking oil screw press machine,you can visit:www.doinggroup.com
Contact: Ms Elina
Phone:+86-371-5677 1822
TEL:+86 155 155 38695
Email: market@doinggroup.com

